A Blast From the Past!

This week I continued re-doing parts of the fourth level. It’s gonna take at least another week, but I hope it doesn’t take much longer than that…! I don’t want to show much of what I was working on, but I did stumble across a forgotten cache of old stuff from the original Bleed so I thought I’d share some of that this week. The centerpiece is an alpha of the original Bleed, from 2011!

You can download the alpha here. Revel in the ridiculous number of hit points each enemy has. Laugh at my delusions of creating 25+ bosses for the game. Be angry at how insanely hard it is.

In addition, I found some visual elements…

I was obsessed with games as a kid, but wasn’t allowed any consoles. This resulted in some sad, strange behaviour like me living vicariously through strategy guides. They must have really stuck with me, because I still enjoy making strategy-guide-esque sheets for bosses I make, like these ones.
I also enjoy visually planning out how levels will go, which you can see here.

And finally, some of my attempts at deciding on the look and colour scheme of a few levels. I think it’s great if each level can use a different range of colours (among other things, obviously, but) it’s just one more thing to help make them feel distinct.
So yeah! That’s it for this week — sorry it wasn’t too informative, but there are some fun sequences I’d like to keep hidden for now. I’ll be back next week with some boss fights and other good stuff!